Studio 1 mit Garten-Terrasse

Apartment · Zu vermieten
€62Pro Nacht

Unser Studio I ist ein Einraumapartment mit Terrasse und Gartenmöbeln.

Das Studio ist mit einer Rückwand in den Felsen gebaut, so dass auch im Sommer ein angenehmes Raumklima herrscht.

Es hat ein eigenes Dusch-Bad, sowie eine Nische mit Mini-Küche.

Es ist für 2 Personen mit Esstisch, Schrank und Doppelbett ausgestattet.

TV/SAT, WIFI-free.


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In a city this large, you can expect to find a vibrant mix of ethnicities and backgrounds and while sometimes the different vibes overlap, largely the neighbourhoods that make up London are fairly distinct.

London is official divided into Boroughs (plus the City) and the Boroughs are generally thought of as Inner and Outer. Most visitors to London will spend their time in these Inner Boroughs.

But while these governmental boundaries exist, London's neighbourhoods are often referred by geographic names - the West End, East End, South Bank, City and Central London.

London is one of the most polluted cities in Europe. Air pollution has been linked to life-shortening lung and heart conditions, breast cancer and diabetes. It is estimated there are over 4,000 extra deaths each year in London from particulates and health costs are estimated at up to £20 billion a year - twice the cost of obesity.

Floor Plan






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